Post by Eric Gajewski on Oct 22, 2017 15:02:59 GMT
Tradcatknight: Fr. Campbell, "The Use of our Time in the Evil Day (Eph.5:16)" Well, how do we get to know God? How do we save ourselves from suffering the same fate as the world? The answer stares us in the face, as in the case of the Apostle Philip:
“Philip said to him, ‘Lord, show us the Father and it is enough for us.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Have I been so long a time with you and you have not known me? Philip, he who sees me sees also the Father. How canst thou say, “Show us the Father”? Dost thou not believe that I am in the Father and the Father in me?’” (Jn.14:3-10a).
There we have the answer! To find God we must find Jesus Christ. To know Jesus Christ is to know the Father, for “I am in the Father and the Father in me.” Jesus Christ is our Emmanuel, God with us! tradcatknight.blogspot.com/2017/10/fr-campbell-use-of-our-time-in-evil-day.html#more